Must eat often or he faints. Here are the 12 primary tissue salts and the benefits they purportedly offer: 1. Levitation, Phos. It relives congestion in the chest and helps in improving breathing. The joints most affected by Phos. Stool and Anus.-A very characteristic symptom is found in the stool, which is long, slim, hard, and dry, and is evacuated with a great deal of difficulty; it may be compared to a dog's stool in appearance and in manner of evacuation, is often accompanied with the same straining, trembling of the limbs, &c.-Diarrhoea: in great quantity, like water from a hydrant, and is very exhausting to the patient (often accompanied with a very weak, empty, or gone feeling in abdomen); painless; stools large; involuntary; mucous.-(Emaciating diarrhoea, skin dry and hard.-E. A. Cough = tearing pain under sternum as if something was being torn loose. Kunkel made it into his "luminous pills," and Kramer claimed to have cured with it diarrhoea, epilepsy, and malignant fevers. The Homeopathic Remedy Phosphorus (Phos.) Trachea, tickling in. Such conditions are found in cases resulting from losses of fluids; over-work of brain; sexual excesses and abuse, and take shape in general paralysis of the insane with mania of grandeur; and in apoplexy and its sequelae; in Duchenne's pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, in locomotor ataxy and other paralyses. is remarkable: Must eat often or he faints. Wind by cold drink, Hoarseness of Phos. 6 a large exostosis of the femur which had been pronounced osteo-sarcoma by old-school authorities. Chorea. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES USING PHOSPHORUS: BENEFITS/USES OF PHOSPHORUS: Anxiety and Fear: Phosphorus works quite well in curing anxiety and fear in and of itself. d. Apathy; weakness and prostration from loss of fluids, Pho. Cough < lying on left side; when talking; when eating and just after eating; on going into cold air; by change of weather. 500 (Dunham), taken on three successive days, cured. Watch this video to know Kali phos 6x, kali phos homeopathic medicine uses & benefits and kali phosphoricum 6x u. Other symptoms from the provings are: "Drawing forcing towards pelvis and rectum as if menses coming on." Copyright 2006 - 2022 Home Remedies. are < from touch (cannot bear touch of nightdress); from pressure (but pressure > feeling as if something before ears and pains in chest). affects all parts of the eye-retina, choroid, vitreous and crystalline lenses, cornea, and conjunctivae. But the action of Phos. In a youth poisoned by Phos. Wounds. Nightmare. For this reason is stored in water. Phosphorus. from Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke. Homeopathy. phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to < Twilight, Puls. Phos. Eyes, affections of. Natrum Phos: Homeopathic Medicine Its Use, Indications And Dosage Then most violent toothache set in, with swelling on right side of face. Wounds. Phos. On attempting to give it the rectum was found to be open, no resistance being offered by the sphincter. Sweat is anxious, profuse, exhausting on slightest exertion; profuse at night; cold and clammy, smelling of sulphur or of garlic. in medicine immediately after discovery. Aphonia with rawness of larynx, Carb. Morphoea. Lying on left side . Spleen, enlargement of. 21. In fevers of typhoid type and in pneumonia Phos. Ozaena. Phosphorus: A Homeopathic Remedy - Syringo-myclia. Intense sexual excitement in men with erections, emissions; later impotence. Phosphorus happens to be a vital mineral required for life. It is not supplied for self-treatment but for information purposes only. Melancholy, sheds tears ; or, with attacks of involuntary laughter. Ulcers affecting the nails. Teste gives a list of old-school cures, which include: Continuous, bilious, and intermittent fevers; general oedema; measles; two cases of pneumonia of left lung, with ataxic symptoms; chronic rheumatism of the legs; apoplexy; hydrocephalus; periodic headaches (in one case with menstrual irregularity); catalepsy; epilepsy; gutta serena; asthenia facilis; chronic lead poisoning,-a list which shows a very good idea of the range of action of Phos. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: In compliance with the FTC guidelines, Home Remedy Central may receive monetary compensation from the sale of certain items through affiliate links (but the price is the same Or less for you) from this website. Affections of skin about joints, Sep. Tongue as if burnt, Sang. The vapour given off by unignited Phos. 80 pellets (16 doses). (Phos. > In fairly warm room; lying on right side. As if head would burst. is burning palms, cannot bear to have the hands covered. has produced rickets. Watch this video to know calcarea phos 6x uses & benefits and calcarea phosphorica homeopathic medicine. Anxious, universal restlessness, cant stand or sit still. The characteristics are: Erysipelatous appearance; red streaks starting from opening; thin, ichorous discharge. Bell. Stomach as if freezing. Lumps, haemorrhage from; oedema of; paralysis of. helps . to young dogs, in whom it caused fatal disturbance of digestion and fatty liver, and "marked atrophic process where bone was being deposited."] Effects of hair-cutting, Bell. Bronchial catarrh > in all grades may require it. 19. It also stops the growth of calcium stones in the urinary tract. in morning or in evening, or else after a meal.-Nausea with violent hunger or thirst, which disappears on eating or drinking water.-As soon as the water (or food) becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up.-Waterbrash, esp. Throat, mucus in. strengthens tooth enamel. Gums, ulceration of. When purchasing products through affiliate links, Home Remedy Central may receive a small commission which helps cover the cost of running this website. is Phosphorus oxide. One dose of Phos. There were found after death no fewer than ten invaginations of the small intestines, which, however, were empty, and there was no sign of strangulation (C. D. P.). Throat, mucus in. Tall, slender (slim) women ; disposed to stoop. Ciliary neuralgia. Throat dry and parched; a flame seemed to pass through him. Charitable Registration. Nostalgia binds him to the past, feeds an ardent and painful desire for people, things, places or situations already passed and that he would like to relive, prevents him from verbalizing, downloading or in any case operating a cognitive integration aimed at overcoming the suffering of the present. 1877. Another very characteristic burning of Phos. Headache due to climate change especially Cold weather changes the pain. On nape, back, and other parts the skin could be raised by the fingers in large folds, which slowly smoothed down again. Antrum, disease of. poisoning are exceedingly painful if consciousness is retained; violent tearing pains in oesophagus, chest, stomach; vomiting and diarrhoea; rectal, vesical, uterine tenesmus; bloating of abdomen; sensitiveness to touch; haemorrhages from all orifices. Allied to the rheumatic symptoms of Phos. Anus, fissure of. There are also pains of all descriptions in the anus, notably stitches shooting up rectum. Zeit. White phosphorus is highly reactive and bursts into flames when exposed to warm air hence its name which means "light bearer" in Greek. Urinary Organs.-Increased secretion of watery urine.-Frequent emission of a scanty stream of urine (only a small quantity each time).-Urine with white, serous, sandy and red, or else yellow sediment.-Turbid urine, with sediment like brick-dust.-Pale, aqueous, or whitish urine.-Variegated pellicle on surface of urine.-Haematuria (with acute pain in region of kidneys and liver, and jaundice).-Smarting and burning sensation when urinating.-Tension and jerking, or burning pain in urethra when not urinating (with frequent desire to urinate). Stools inodorous save for a slight mouldy smell. Homeopathic Phosphorus - Health Facts Dyspnoea on exercise; dry cough during the day till 10 p.m. mur., Collins. Heart, degeneration of; murmurs of. It can also be quite useful for other symptoms that may be associated with either anxiety or fear such as insomnia, exhaustion, or even nervous tension. I have . Phos. 16. Urethra, stricture of. Caries and exostoses of spine and other parts have been cured with Phos. It has arrested cataract and glaucoma, and cured retinitis albuminuria from suppressed menses. Phos. Phthisis; rapidly growing young people, Iod. Phosphorus - National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) has not; Phos. Great excitability ; becomes easily vexed and angry, which makes him exceedingly vehement, from which he suffers afterwards. symptoms long before local disease appeared, e.g., cardialgia, anorexia, eructation of gas smelling of Phos. Weather changes (either way) pain in forehead; hemicrania; stuffed feeling in nose; < vertigo; toothache cough tearing in labia taking cold easily. Mental-emotional Symptoms Irritable and oversensitive. Petit mal. Abdomen distended, very sensitive all over, the slightest touch causing violent pains; could not bear weight of nightdress. Larynx as if lined with fur. Liver, diseases of; acute yellow atrophy of. Phosphorus is an immensely important remedy in homeopathy, one of the desert island remedies. 1899 Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics. At times numb pain in teeth; they felt loose as if they would fall out. (Phos. 105). The patient complains of dryness, pricking, burning, and smarting sensation in the eyes. The appetite of Phos. Numb, stiff feeling in brain, Graph. Tobacco (amblyopia). Phosphoricum acidumis the concentratedphosphoric acidthat comes in the form of colorless crystals or viscous liquid. Cold; cerebral softening, Nux (Phos. ph., Orig. Boiron Phosphorus 200CK, 80 Pellets, Homeopathic Medicine for Dizziness Progressive muscular atrophy. gave no help. ac. Bone, diseases of. Phosphorus for Dizziness | Boiron USA Great indifference ; answers no questions, or replies wrongly. Fistula. P. (A. W. 30.96). has proved a leading remedy in mammary abscess and fistulae. Coccyx as if ulcerated. Homeopathic Phosphorus is an important polycrest remedy which is used in a number of acute and chronic conditions. Kalium phosphoricum or kali phos is prepared from "Phosphate of Potassium". In its natural form it is found in our very DNA and bodily fluids. I cured mainly with Phos. 268) cured this case of sciatica: An elderly lady had for eight weeks a continual burning pain running along back of left thigh and leg, compelling her to spend most of the day in bed. It is used for some digestive conditions, but also a range of other common ailments such as coughs, headaches, heavy hair loss and bleeding but is useful for so much more. He avoids facing situations, especially those that cause him strong stress, and this state of constant passivity affects his mental lucidity leading to depression and immune alterations. Phosphorus is one of the most important polycris of Homeopathy, Its constitution is phosphoric and the temperament is nervous-blood. Vomiting: after drinking cold water, Ars. Homeopathic Phosphorus is an important polycrest remedy which is used in a number of acute and chronic conditions. Recognizing the origin of asthenia is extremely complex because many conditions (pathological and otherwise) can trigger it. @ 2022 National Center for Homeopathy. As if nails driven into jaws. Suffocative pains in upper part of chest with constriction of larynx and engorgement of lungs; mucous rles; panting and laboured breathing, even emphysema. I cured a somewhat similar case (H. W., xxiv. As if skin of face too tight. PHOSPHORUS - HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA - By William BOERICKE Hysteria. has more dryness of tongue and sensorial excitement). at night.-Burning pain in palms of hands and arms; clammy perspiration in palms and on head.-Burning pain in hands and arms.-Numbness of arms and hands.-Lassitude and trembling in arms and hands, and esp. REFERENCES - Phatak SR. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines. is universal; patient cannot sit or stand still a moment; it belongs to the stage of irritation, and is succeeded by apathy if the condition is not arrested). The right lung is more affected than the left. Nose.-Nose red, swollen, and painful to touch.-Dry and hard scabs in nose.-Polypus in nose (bleeding easily).-Excoriation at angles of nose.-Ulcerated nostrils.-Numerous freckles on nose.-Fetid exhalation from nose.-Blowing of blood from nose (every time it is blown).-Profuse nose-bleed; slow bleeding.-Epistaxis, sometimes during a stool or in evening.-Acute sense of smelling, esp. The symptoms of acute Phos. > Lying on right side or on back. After menses, burning leucorrhoea that made the parts sore. Langenbeck objects to the term "necrosis," stating that it is a periostitis in which bony deposit occurs, enclosing the jaws more or less as in a sheath. in evening.-(Incessant shooting pains through brain with sensation as if eyes being pulled out, beginning in forehead, lasting day and night, with vomiting, > by either warmth or cold.-R. T. C.).-Shocks in occiput, loud snaps; shocks in whole head, with shattered sensation as if something had exploded; brought on by over-work or worry.-Washerwoman's headache.-Burning in forehead, with pulsations, morning and afternoon, after eating < in warm room, > in open air.-Pulsation in head, with singing and burning in it, mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting from morning till noon; < from music, while masticating, and in warm room.-Congestion in head, with beating, buzzing, heat, and burning sensation, esp. Sleep, disordered. Phos. after a meal and after drinking; sometimes also abortive, or spasmodic, or else sour, or with taste of the food.-Sour regurgitation of food.-Pyrosis.-Hiccough.-Nausea of various kinds, esp. The stools of Phos. are the hip and knee. Acid Phos q,30,200 Homeopathic Medicine Uses and Benefits - YouTube Hydrocele. Polypi. This case was translated in Hahn. 1 relieved entirely. Female Sexual Organs.-Nymphomania.-Aversion to coitus.-Tearing in genital organs, and stitches upward from vagina into uterus.-(Small pustulation of vulva with great irritation.-R. T. C.).-dema of labia (< l.), later gangrene.-Catamenia too early and too profuse (and of too long duration), or too early and too scanty and serous.-[Phos. Typhoid, Rhus; and erotic mania, Hyo. There is nausea on putting hands into warm water; sneezing and coryza from putting hands in water. All Rights Reserved. Ankles as if sprained. Martin. Fungus haematoides. 15. < in dark or when left alone, before a thunder storm. Phosphorus is very common in the body, found in the bones, teeth, DNA and body fluids, and happens to be a vital mineral required for life. when holding anything.-Furfuraceous tetters on arms.-Congestion of blood in hands, with swelling and redness of veins, esp. Restlessness, cant stand or sit still and crystalline lenses, cornea, and sensation... Helps in improving breathing of dryness, pricking, burning, and conjunctivae in pneumonia Phos phosphoricum the... The eye-retina, choroid, vitreous and crystalline lenses, cornea, and smarting in. < a href= '' https: // '' > Phosphorus cant stand or still. Urinary tract affected than the left dry and parched ; a flame seemed pass., anorexia, eructation of gas smelling of Phos 6 a large exostosis of the femur which had pronounced! Into warm water ; sneezing and coryza from putting hands into warm water sneezing. 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